Carnation Bouquet Box
Carnation Bouquet Box
Two beautifully arranged floral gift sets, each featuring a bouquet of flowers and a small plush bear, presented in an elegant pink box.
The first image shows a bouquet of pink flowers wrapped in brown and white paper, tied with a pink ribbon. The bouquet is placed inside a pink box, and a small white plush bear with a heart on its head and a pink skirt stands beside the bouquet. The bear holds a sign that reads "I LOVE YOU." The box has a stylish and sophisticated appearance, making it a perfect gift for expressing affection.
The second image shows a bouquet of red flowers wrapped in dark red and white paper, tied with a maroon ribbon. The bouquet is also placed inside a pink box, with a small white plush bear wearing a red skirt and a heart on its head. The bear holds a sign that reads "I LOVE YOU." The box has the phrase "LOVE IS LIKE ME WITH ROSE AROUND YOU" printed on it, adding a romantic touch.
Both arrangements are elegant and thoughtfully designed, making them ideal for special occasions such as anniversaries, birthdays, or Valentine's Day.
I was looking for a heartfelt gift and found these beautiful flower sets. The red bouquet, with its elegant wrapping and plush bear, was perfect. The box's romantic message was a nice touch. My partner loved it!
These bouquets are so thoughtfully designed. I bought the pink one for my sister, and she loved it. The flowers were arranged beautifully, and the bear was the perfect touch. The pink box made it feel very sophisticated.
The red flower bouquet is beautiful. The quality of the flowers and the stylish wrapping made this a fantastic gift. The bear holding the “I LOVE YOU” sign was an endearing addition. My girlfriend was very happy!
I purchased the pink carnation bouquet for a special occasion, and it did not disappoint. The flowers were fresh, and the bear with its little sign was adorable. The box added an extra touch of elegance. Highly recommend!
The red bouquet is stunning. The maroon ribbon and dark red paper make the flowers look even more luxurious. My wife was delighted with the gift, and the plush bear was a cute bonus.